Aalborg University
AAU currently consolidates and further develops its profile as a dynamic and innovative research and educational institution oriented towards the surrounding world. The great majority of ranking lists name Aalborg University, and AAU is thus in the top 3% of the world's 18,000 universities. The Department of Health Science and Technology at AAU constitutes Denmark's largest integrated health Technology research and teaching environment. Research conducted at the Department of Health Science and Technology takes a mutual starting point: the human body. Research spans “from molecule to society” covering aspects from the human cell and the molecules it is built from to the full human body. The laboratories of the Department of Health Science and Technology are equipped to support state-of-the-art research and teaching. Research covers topics such as: Biomechanics and motor control systems - Medical decision support systems - Medical informatics systems - Medicine - Pharma technology - Pre-clinical research - Public health - Rehabilitation technology - Sports science - Telemedicine - Pain research - Welfare technology. At the Department of Health Science and Technology, research-based innovation and teaching is produced and performed. Dissemination of knowledge is prioritized and the Department strives towards establishing dialogue with industry and other potential beneficiaries such as the surrounding society. This project will be developed at SMI®, Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction, which is the largest research center at the Department of Health Science and Technology. SMI® is an international research and training center employing approximately 80 researchers, with 50% of the staff coming from abroad. Translational research in neuroscience and engineering is the primary focus of SMI®. The aim is to develop new
diagnostic and therapeutic methods in the areas of pain, motor control, and rehabilitation. Participation in networks within biomedical science, neuroscience, and clinical disciplines is of major importance to SMI®. The established research co-operation and partnerships with a wide range of research centres, hospitals, and companies constitute a substantial resource for SMI®. Currently, co-operation includes more than 40 organisations in 15 countries and 20 national and international companies. Interdisciplinarity, international collaborators, and engaged and highly educated researchers are the main resources at SMI®.