WEARPLEX consortium meet up for the project kick-off meeting (18 Jan 2019)
WEARPLEX consortium meet up for the project kick-off meeting
The WEARPLEX project had its first face to face meeting today, a successful culmination of the efforts begun by Milos Kostic and Matija Strbac nearly 12 months earlier. We were hosted by the UK Research Office in Brussels and joined by the Project Officer from the European Commission, Andreas Lymberis.
The consortium gave some brief introductions to their company/institution and the different people that will be working on the project over the next 3 years. Overviews of each Work Package were provided by the WP Leaders as well as introductions from the management team:
Prof Steve Beeby the project coordinator,
Dr Russel Torah the project manager,
Thierry Keller the Scientific and Technical Manager,
Erika Spaich the Ethics Manager,
Senentxu Lanceros the Dissemination Manager,
Antti Tauriainen the Exploitation Manager.
In the final part of the afternoon there was significant discussion on the stake holder workshop to be held in Sept/Oct 2019 (more details to follow) and the definition of our first Alpha prototypes for the project.
A very successful meeting with most of us meeting for the first time and collaborating for the first time in what should be an incredibly fruitful relationship over the next 3 years and beyond!
Search terms: WP8, D8.5, T8.3